Abstract painting in 2011 Everything Artistic

Abstract painting in 2011 Everything Artistic
{painter} Silfredo La O Vigo; Born in Santiago de Cuba, Cuda, 1975

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I am starting to think the LOTTERY system is RIGGED

(some were tickets won from money off of the scratch off, and some were free tickets as the prize but, more than ever most ended up getting bought) (I got my first $20, $10, $5, $3 ticket this year; I think I have had my course of this game.) Maybe it is not luck when it comes to the lottery system. This winning big theory just will not happen for me and I get that. In retrospect, I tried something new to my norm, dibble and dabble since I am holding off going to my first casino for a grandmother and granddaughter outing. I did something because I wanted to and had the "bright idea" the urge to. So I sit here really looking at the big picture.

These are all of my lottery scratch offs and lotto tickets through out my whole life, I guess this is just one of the items I like to collect but, don't know why. Maybe I will make a art piece out of it one day or just throw them away. I Just really started up playing probably more than half of those are from this year but, I believe I do not want to add anymore to this collection of greed. I usually have the epitome of doing something spontaneous and this was one of them but, how ironic is it to win on a Fantasy 5 for a free ticket to end up getting another Fantasy 5 while analyzing my previously tickets to be drawn on the same day which were the Power Ball and Super Lotto; getting the same third number as a match. I am starting to think the lottery system is rigged. As if they know there will be a winner but, control where the winner is located so on the website it looks like people are winning everywhere almost like there is a chance for you to win too. It is definitely something with those numbers because the majority of people do quick picks. I think the most people who win big on lotto tickets are from liquor stores because the common go to a 7 Eleven; 7 Elevens are good for scratch offs. Scratch off winners probably are within a certain number in the batch roll I literally went through $2 in the fifties and sixties section, most were none winners.

Super Lotto Plus Fantasy 5 Power Ball
My Quick Pick #: 02 10 17 40 46 Mega 16 / 02 03 24 25 36 / 03 06 25 27 41 Power 30 /
The WINNING #: 3 15 23 25 38 Mega 7 / 4 26 24 27 35 / 14 18 25 33 49 Power 23 /
I knew this ticket was not going to win the numbers are chronological and has two sets of numbers too close in resemblance. This Fantasy 5 was my free winning ticket.

MAYBE LAST WEEK Notice the 3rd column, two tickets matched in numbers.
I guess it started around the time I graduated and made sure I bought me some scratch offs to keep me occupied while waiting in the organizational line and ceremony to start. Hoping I win on the day of educational joy. I remember getting those tickets so the lady already seen me and later in that day I was up there again doing a small cash out. Two other ladies where up there winning and going back and forth. I tried a new ticket they point out and won on both of them and got $50. I started winning prizes above a free ticket or $2; I never won twenties going into my hand. I ended up playing my first $20 scratch off and got $100 that night. It was almost like out of us three who will get the winning ticket, I didn't win because she took it, that sort of thing but, all and all they were nice people.

So moving along I ended up spending like one or two hours in 7 Eleven last night just scratching off tickets winning and losing tickets. I won my money back and I just kept having the tendency of winning and spending it but, keeping some and right at the last minute I will win. That is not a good type of irritation to have to feel like you have money and just blow it on the temptation of thinking the next is the winner. I mean sometimes I just thought and walked out on a cash out but, that night my mind was on a just maybe. I started back up in school I have not really been in so long and scratched off some on my break the only ones I could not was Super Lotto, Fantasy 5, and Power Ball. That night the Fantasy 5 was drawn I won on it but, just a free ticket. Come to think of it I believe it was the first and the third number.

(The white line or holographic blue: I think it has something to do with a possible winning ticket) The Black was a winner the CA Life was not but, both had a white line
(this night) Looking at Yahoo Answers somebody proclaimed 10-15 are highly possible winners in the stack roll)
(that day) Before going to get my tickets I researched by the fractions which to pick out.

All three of those tickets up top were drawn today. Two tickets with the same column matched number 24 and 25.
The odds of matching up numbers winning on one matching up on the next ticket which were on different days, had me thinking something with those computers. It sure is a way to control how much money is being given to winners because if a lot of people hit there wont be no money circulating/accumulating for the LIFE winners or quarterly pool and stuff like that. Those computers are probably randomly got a set number that pops up on those balls but, generate other numbers through the less amount of winners as possible have this number but occasionally bunch those couple of dollar winners in a group to win to give them hope to play again. Who knows the gimmicks? It has to be a psychology type of thing seeing scratch off tickets with close numbers to the number it should've been for your liking of a big win. It's something sneaky to that lottery system It has to be some hidden inside secret

1 comment:

  1. I gave up playing the lottery owing to the poor odds on offer. I play scratch cards instead because the investment is still low, the odds are far better and the potential wins are definitely worthwhile.
